Almost exactly a month ago, I joined new band called Ghostwalk. This band is unlike some of the bands I've played with recently, but is a style of music that I have been wanting to play for a long time.
When I've written music on my own during the past few years, it has always come out with a particular set of emotions. It could always fit in the "ambient" or "dramatic movie sountrack" type genres. It was usually dark and slow in some kind of minor key.
I've never had a good opportunity to play this kind of music with other people. Most of the time it didn't fit the mood of the project or it didn't fit the playing style of the other members. At a certain point, I just decided that I would have to play that type of music in solo situations only.
When I started writing parts for Ghostwalk, I was so excited when I realized that music I had been playing with on my own for some time finally fit somewhere. No only that, but that a cello fit so well into the music they had already been writing.
Ghostwalk will be releasing our first album soon. In the meantime, if you want to hear our music, you can come see us at our first show:
View Video Flyer Here
Emma Ruth Rundle
Thursday, October 8, 2015
7:00 p.m.
12+, $17 presale
Club Red
1306 W University Dr,
Mesa, Arizona 85201
(480) 258-2733
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